Work, life and things in between – Day 107 – This is not my car!
The ferry ride back to town was ninety minutes. I had time to hit the lounge. I was not familiar with the place. I asked the Attendant if this was a help-yourself kind of place.
“Have you paid?”
I did not like her tone. “No. I have not, mostly because I have not bought anything yet, is what I wanted to say to her, but I refrained. As I so often do. I refrained and caught myself and replied instead “ but I will of course, first I am enquiring as to how things work.”
“You can have any of these snacks or drinks”. I looked around but could not see any alcoholic beverages. “I want a drink” I said rather directly.
“You can have Ginger Ale, Coke, Diet coke…..”
“ No. I want a real drink, some wine, red or white, I don’t care” I said then almost impatiently. Come on! This ferry was only ninety minutes, take away the argument and the docking, I had 60 minutes left…Let’s get on with the program!
“We don’t serve any alcoholic beverages on any of the ferries in BC” said she with pride and conviction!
We may be tree huggers and I may love this about BC , but man ho man, can we be stiff sometimes. What are we afraid of? That in the 60 minutes that the lounge is open a crowd of wild and misbehaved teenager will turn into violent and out of control offenders?
Since I could not have a drink, then I went to the lower deck. Before I knew, it was time to go down to the cars again. That time I had paid attention. Deck number two, zone 10, under the clock, facing the front of the ship!
Deck number 2, zone 10, located the clock and there I was. No car. That was not my car. In fact there was already someone sitting in that “not my car” car. How could that be? How many deck number two, zone 10, clock are on a ship? How did everybody else do it?
Up and down the rows of cars again. At least the people looking at me then were not the same as those looking at me the previous time. At least that was comforting.
It turns, and you may want to write this down, there are two number 2 decks. One on either side of the ship…It should not take Einstein to figure this out but I had not noticed.
Truth was, I was not sure this would not happen again. Something about paying attention to details does not quite register with me. To day 108.