Work, life and things in between – Day 85 – Late night tonight!
You need to go on line and Google Royal Roads University to see how beautiful a site it is. The walk from the residence to the class room and back was through the forest, where dripping pine trees are irresistibly fragrant and the ocean in the background makes it all look so vast. Once you know the place, you immediately love it. Roosters are out of style here, instead peacocks wake you up in the morning. Once you hear them though you kind of miss the roosters! Peacocks look a lot better than they sound!
Classes were great. There were 30 of us. Mostly women. A great cohort made of people with outstanding professional backgrounds. As you would expect from a coaching class with 30 women, there was a lot of sharing, talking from the heart, hugging and all. Not your typical classroom set up.
To top it all off one of the faculty members was of the opinion that there is nothing like getting up and dancing to wake up the crowds…, every time we came back from breaks, Bruce Springsteen or Green Day was on and people were jumping up and down. It took some getting used to I must admit.
Actually it reminded me more of when I picked up my kids at kindergarten than when I turned in my exam papers at university…but, I was prepared to play along…whatever it took, I had already made up my mind. I was gonna take this to the end.
Of course, you get it! The whole idea of coaching is to get out of your comfort zone! So, this was just a way to get us used to it. Well, it did it for me.
I was mostly comfortable with all of this except that the Introvert in me (if you know Myers Briggs, I am an INFP) desperately needed some down time and it was only day 2 of the week.
I was thrilled at the thought of getting back to my room early and alone . On my way in, I stopped by the lounge to get myself a cup of tea.
However in the lounge, I bumped into a few more colleagues and a few bottles of Merlot! Before I knew it we were playing cards. And before it was too late to notice, I knew I was heading towards a short night’s sleep and most likely a remarkable headache tomorrow!
Ô the life on campus. What is there not to like? To day 86.