Work, life and things in between – Day 47- Make up your mind!
I can’t make up my mind. I have nothing planned until dinner time tonight, nothing other than coming down with my final decision on “to blog or not to blog”.
Although this may depress a good number of people, it thrills me to no end to have nothing scheduled. Think of all the times in your life when you wished your time belonged to you. Well I am here now. Wow!
However, even though I have potentially 12 hours to spare today, I would need more. I need to complete my friend’s presentation, complete my registration for university (more about this later), compile my business expenses (yes, even though I have not started my business yet) before this gets out of hand and, send my blog/maybe book/maybe nothing (which you are reading now) to a very select group of friends for review. Before I get too excited with this project I want to know if anyone besides my mom and dad and of course Tem will read it!
Also, even though I can’t quite put my finger on it, there is something uncomfortable about this blog. Not so much about what I say but more about how it will be perceived…this is a totally guards down, tell it like it is, warts and all and hold my hand so I don’t cry kind of blog. I am OK with it. Not sure the Corporate world would understand it and if I make it on self-employed street, where else will my clients come from if not from the corporate world? will they get it?
I need to cater to all kinds of things before I make it to the gym or the pool not the least of them being regular daily activities such as eating (granted, given my track record so far, that does not account for much work), house chores and packing for the week on the east coast as I have an early flight tomorrow morning.
Back to my blog however. Because you need a deadline to deliver on any project and because I am in a time of my life where I have no deadlines, I had picked today to be the day. Just because!
This whole idea of blog started out as a personal diary. Since there was so much going on in my head and knowing me, even though I did not have the entire sabbatical planned out, I knew something, or many things, would come out of it.
I wanted to capture the thought process and be able, at the end, to look back and see what led to what. Something like backtracking. Remember Hansel and Gretel? except they lost their tracks…I want to make sure I don’t.
But there is something uncomfortable about being live on the web. Who (from my generation that is!) has ever heard of sharing a diary? As far as I know, this only happens once you are dead and your children get their hands on it and go Ho! Haaa…..and they finally understand who you really were! other than that, these are your own thoughts and you keep them to yourself.
But I am tempted….like wanting to jump in the lake suspecting the water is ice cold….you have an idea of what the consequences could be but you don’t care….that water is just too tempting. Feels good to be a little reckless.
So, I am toying with this..not sure.. If nothing else, I have found this to be a very efficient hamster’s sedative. Knocks it right out! To day 48.
photo is courtesy of Onorio Catenacci – Thank you.
Today is my mother’s birthday. How many women my age still get to call home to tell their mother they love her and wish her happy birthday? What a gift. And so, I do.
I have nothing planned today until dinner tonight.
Although this may depress a good number of people, it thrills me to no end. Think of all the times in your life when you wished your time belonged to you. Well I am here now. Wow!
However, even though I have potentially 12 hours to spare today, I would need more. I need to complete my friend’s presentation, register for the Executive coaching program, compile my business expenses (yes, even though I have not started my business yet) before this gets out of hand and, send my blog/maybe book/maybe nothing (which you are reading now) to a very select group of friends for review. Before I get too excited with this project I want to know if anyone besides my mom and dad and of course Tem will read it!
All of this before I make it to the gym or the pool and take care of the regular daily activities such as eating (granted, given my track record so far, that does not account for much work), laundry and packing for the week on the east coast as I have an early flight tomorrow morning.
How did I ever manage a job, a household, pets and three kids?
Back to my blog however, I had selected my mother’s birthday as a launch date. Why? Because you need a deadline to deliver on any project and because my mother’s birthday is as good as any in a time of my life where I have no deadlines.
This whole idea of blog started out as a personal diary. Because there was so much going on in my head and knowing me, even though I did not know what the outcome of this sabbatical would be, I knew something, or many things, would come out of it. I wanted to capture the thought process and be able, at the end, to look back and see what led to what. Something like backtracking, or, from a business point of view “reversed engineering”.
If you ever took golfing lessons, or any sport actually and your instructor filmed you, remember how you were able to break down the movement and see where things went right, or wrong? well, this is the intent of the diary…except I had so much fun with it, I wanted to share it.
!Then I thought of making it a blog but got scared of what it means to be live on the web. WHo has ever heard of sharing a diary? This only happens once you are dead and your children get their hands on it and go Hoooo! Haaa…..and they finally understand who you really were!
Well, what if the blog helped my loved ones know me better? what if the whole world knew me better? but then I thought, so what if they did? who cares? and then I decided not to decide what it would be. I am just writing it for the fun of it. We will see where that will lead.
If nothing else, I have found this to be a very efficient hamster’s sedative. Knocks it right out!