Work, life and things in betweenl-Day 1: Open ended sabbatical!
I am a Human Resources Executive living in Vancouver with my family living in Montreal, an office in Florida, a boss in Ohio and a team scattered around the world (or at least up to a week ago) and best long time friends in Quebec City.
Following the sale of our division I find myself unemployed. This is a desired state, but a major change nonetheless.
This is my fork in the road. The place where I need to make a hard stop, look in all directions, reassess my bearings, select the road ahead and embark on the next journey.
I know this will hold exhilarating as well as anxiety filled moments. This is totally stepping down from the treadmill. Feels like jumping off a cliff and may very well be totally reckless.
I know we all dream about this when our lives are hectic but seldom do we truly get to experience it.
Like it or not, I am in and ready or not, here I go.
The following posts are my reflection on this transition in my life. They are an attempt to inventory the ups and downs of redefining the vision and creating a new destination, one day at a time, chipping away at change until it becomes routine!
This is likely to be a long story. It starts in the late Summer of 2010 with no specific idea of where or when it will end. A bit scary.
It is facing the disturbing prospect of being marginal and having the daring attitude to take it wherever it will lead. As someone very dear to me likes to say :”Stick with me Kiddo”. I hope you do just that and read on!
So here goes an open ended sabbatical. Follow me to day 2
I am a Human Resources Executive living in Vancouver with my family living in Montreal, an office in Florida, a boss in Ohio and a team scattered around the world (or at least up to a week ago) and best long time friends in Quebec City.
Following the sale of our division I find myself unemployed. This is a desired state.
This is my version of Freedom 55; An opportunity to make a hard stop, look in all directions, reassess my bearings, select the road ahead and embark on the next journey.
I know this will hold exhilarating as well as anxiety filled moments. This is totally stepping down from the treadmill. Feels like jumping off a cliff and may very well be totally reckless.
I know we all dream about this when our lives are hectic but seldom do we truly get to experience it.
Like it or not, I am in.
The following posts are my reflection on this transition in my life. They are an attempt to inventory the ups and downs of redefining the vision and creating a new destination, one day at a time, starting from nowhere particular.
This is likely to be a long story. It starts in the late Summer of 2010 with no specific idea of where or when it will end. A bit scary.
It is facing the disturbing prospect of being marginal and having the daring attitude to take it wherever it will lead. As someone very dear to me likes to say :”Stick with me Kiddo”. I hope you do just that and read on!
So here goes an open ended sabbatical. Follow me to day 2